Did you pick up an extra 5 or 10 pounds over the holidays? That adds up to 17,500-35,000 calories. Most gained that weight by allowing a number of bad eating habits to creep in…and become firmly established.
Why is it hard to get rid of? Because we are now talking about fully ingrained eating habits. Are you at the point where ‘enough is enough?”
Start with making some small changes–lower your calorie count. Cut out dairy (milk, cheese, mayonnaise), soy, gluten, corn, peanuts, sugar, artificial sweeteners and bottled salad dressing. And be sure to cut way back on high glycemic carbs such as potatoes, completely doing away with white rice. Try quinoa instead.
Portion control is another area to make adjustments. Eat out less, and when you must eat out, split your meal in half as soon as it arrives. At home, use smaller plates. Plate and portion sizes have grown substantially over the years.
Eat every 3 hours throughout the day instead of 3 large meals. This will stabilize your blood sugar and keep you from getting too hungry. Increase your intake of vegetables, and try plant based protein as an option to animal-based. Protein smoothies are a great way to keep you steadily satisfied throughout the day. Be sure to avoid from the milk or whey protein powders.
Re-establish a sensible exercise routine.
Dinner at a friend’s house? Bring along a “healthy” appetizer to share with your host and fill up on the hummus dip with the carrot, pepper, and celery sticks you prepared.
If this were so easy, we would not have so many broken New Year’s resolutions; nor would obesity be a national epidemic.
Why not start the new year with a clean foundation by detoxifying. Not only will it help you lose any weight that you have gained, but it will quickly break the momentum of the cravings and the bad habits you have acquired in the past few months, getting you back on that healthy track and set you up for some permanent lifestyle changes. Feel the difference with our all natural detox that cleanses without requiring fasting. And, it’s gentle. Our best to you in 2014!